
Church Closures

I understand the concerns that many of you in Fareham have about churches closing. As a spiritual person myself I understand the importance of communal worship and the significance that these necessary, but restrictive measures, have for our patterns of worship.

Beer Duty

I welcome the new measures put in place to help businesses across the country, particularly pubs. It is reassuring that no pub or other business in the hospitality sector will be required to pay business rates this year.

Pet Microchipping

To their owners, pets are cherished members of the family and I understand that their disappearance and deaths can cause a lot of distress.


Pension Credit Report

I am committed to ensuring that older people receive the support they are entitled to, so they can enjoy dignity and security in their retirement.


I share concerns about the protection and health of British waters. Our waters are a precious natural resource and they must be managed carefully.

Pesticides and Trade Deals

I know the Government is committed to ensuring that future trade agreements must work for our farmers and consumers, and Ministers have firmly committed to maintaining Britain’s high environmental and food safety standards in future trade agreements.

Military Exports to Israel

I remain concerned about security in Israel and our friendship with Israel does not prohibit our criticism of some Israeli policies, nor our recognition of Israel as a thriving democracy.

Planning Reforms

Our planning system needs to work for those who use it to make sure new homes, businesses and vital infrastructure are not held back by outdated, complicated and time-consuming bureaucracy.

Birds of Prey Protection

My colleagues and I recognise the conservation and economic benefits that shooting sports bring to rural communities.